Here are some photos from a tour I went on to the nearby and famous DMZ earlier this month. It was a pretty clear day, but a bit chilly outside. (The lone North Korean guard showed no inclination to wander down to check out yet another busload of visitors.) I liked the model of the locality in the theatre at OP Dora. You also get to go down into a rather low tunnel the North Koreans tried to dig under the line, but no photos are allowed there.
It was interesting to see how the whole set-up at the Joint Security Area was meant to be a temporary arrangement, with just the basic huts for the UN and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (which is now down to Sweden and Switzerland on a full-time basis, history having taken Poland and "Czechoslovakia" down a different path). Today, the Military Demarcation Line signs are rusted but other deterents are still being maintained.
Besides its notoriety as a relic of the locally-unfinished Cold War, the DMZ is famous these days for wildlife. It's true, there did seem to be plenty of birds around. Many visitors to Seoul are able to work a DMZ tour into their itinerary, and it's certainly worth a look, if you can arrange it.